Thursday, 6 February 2014


The new craze hard to miss on your facebook newsfeed is the "neknominations". If you have been living around a rock for the past couple of months and have no clue as to what I'm on about let me give you a brief run down. Nek nominations is a drinking game (originating in Australia) where friends take part in and nominate each other to out-do their own drinking act. Besides the dangerous drinking that goes along with this game and the many negative media articles written about the new craze that encourges drinking in public, I have come across a something quite different...

A young South African man by the name of Brent Lindeque has added a twist to the "nek nominations" game. In the clip below, you can see Brent handing a homeless man a sandwich, bottle of coke and a chocolate bar. He than nominates his friends to do the same. Brent is acting as a global citizen. He has taken something negative and turned it into something positive that will benefit the poverty stricken community that he lives in.

Brent than goes on to say via his twitter account "Downing a can of Castle Light is easy… imagine if we all harnessed the power of social media to make a real difference in peoples lives".

I think this is a very powerful message that we are all connected in cyberspace and we can use this to our advantage in making a positive change and collectively acting as global citizens of the world.

Link to Brent's "nek nominations" below:

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